[글쓴이:] daniel

  • 다겐스 런치


    tisdag v.21 21.05.2024 11:00-14:00 점심 식사 Pris 프롬 부펜: 그레딕 락소파/팬카카(L), 실트 & 그레데 l g 12.00€ 연금 수령자를 위한 일일 점심 뷔페 11.00€ 매일 아침 비프(FI), 샐러드바 & 커피숍 l g 15.90€

  • 스타터

    Smokehouse plank with samples of our own smoked porkmeat, warm smoked trout, cold smoked salmon, dill aioli, asparagus, and butter-fried Smokehouse loaf (L, can be ordered G) 15€ Salads with choice of protein: Smoked Trout / Crispy Chicken / Halloumi. I ceberg lettuce, red lettuce, rocket, pickled peppers, Smokehouse croutons (L) as starter 10€ /…